Yearly Archives: 2016


We Want YOU to Sign Up to Receive Your Vote-by-Mail Ballot!

Your FEA Leadership is hard at work representing you at the #DNCinPHL this week, and they are counting on you to do your part in this election. Sign up to vote by mail, and make sure your friends and family are signed up too! It has never been easier. Just head over to and [...]

By | July 28th, 2016|General News|Comments Off on We Want YOU to Sign Up to Receive Your Vote-by-Mail Ballot!

Chatting with Secretary Hillary Clinton

At the AFT Convention, I had the pleasure to chat with the next President of the United States...Hillary Clinton! #‎AFT100 ‪#‎betterschoolsfl

By | July 20th, 2016|General News|Comments Off on Chatting with Secretary Hillary Clinton

The Overuse of Testing Affects Everyone

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that Florida’s accountability system has gone horribly wrong. The number of standardized tests being administered has exploded over the past decade. The overuse of testing affects everyone. Students are robbed of learning time, and teachers of time to teach. The classroom curriculum is also focused primarily on [...]

By | July 1st, 2016|In My Opinion|Comments Off on The Overuse of Testing Affects Everyone

FEA Rally Shot

FEA rallied in the Capitol courtyard for public education on January 14th.

By | May 1st, 2016|Best and Brightest, Enough is Enough, General News, Legislative Session|Comments Off on FEA Rally Shot

Chamber’s Report Ignores the Grim Facts About Florida Public Education

Opinion Editorial by Joanne McCall. Click here to view. Published by Context Florida, The Ocala Star Banner and newspapers in Charlotte County. The Florida Chamber of Commerce Foundation had a story to tell last week about education improvement. Like politicians, they don’t let facts get in the way when making their case. In its new [...]

By | May 1st, 2016|Enough is Enough|Comments Off on Chamber’s Report Ignores the Grim Facts About Florida Public Education

About that proposed education budget: It’s sure a long way from “historic”

FEA Press Release from March 1st.  What’s “historic” just isn’t what it used to be. Like Gov. Rick Scott did when he laid out his budget proposal, legislative leaders are currently touting the education budget numbers that they’ve agreed on as “historic.” Their rationale is that the total amount allocated for public schools in the [...]

By | May 1st, 2016|Best and Brightest, Enough is Enough, General News, Legislative Session|Comments Off on About that proposed education budget: It’s sure a long way from “historic”

Questions and Answers about Opting Out of Standardized Testing

I answered some questions about opting out of standardized testing. Read my email to teachers below. Dear Colleague: Testing season has begun with the Florida Standards Assessments writing exam. With the renewal of Florida’s massive state testing program come increasing calls to just opt out of the tests. We, as educators in the classroom understand [...]

By | May 1st, 2016|Best and Brightest, Enough is Enough, General News, Legislative Session|Comments Off on Questions and Answers about Opting Out of Standardized Testing

Action Alert: Vote NO on the Budget

With only two days remaining in the 2016 legislative session, the Legislature is poised to take a final vote on the budget by Friday. Just a 1 percent increase in this year's education budget is NOT "historic". If the Legislature really wants to be “historic”, they would provide our districts, schools and teachers the adequate [...]

By | May 1st, 2016|Best and Brightest, Enough is Enough, Legislative Session|Comments Off on Action Alert: Vote NO on the Budget